Mariculture or marine farming

Plants and animals in marine environments are grown, managed, and harvested using techniques of artificial cultivation

These products are then sold to humans for consumption The term aquaculture can also be used to refer to both freshwater and marine farming Aquaculture can also be defined as the raising of aquatic organisms for food There are approximately three-fourths of the planet covered by oceans, including vast areas full of life and landforms that are yet to be explored Despite the great potential of using the oceans for agricultural purposes, there are many obstacles to overcome In spite of the many opportunities provided by this field, one must like the subject thoroughly in order to pursue a career in it Most marine species cannot be cultivated due to the high costs of equipment and personnel

Mariculture or marine farming

Career Opportunities

Among the possible career options are fish farming technicians, managerial personnel, biotechnologists, and managers of fisheries production.

Future prospects

Marine agriculture will become a major industry in the coastal areas of India within the next decade. Mariculture is likely to generate considerable interest among the coastal population and entrepreneurs due to a wide range of cultivable species and technological options available. There is a need to make aquaculture a global phenomenon. The top seven key producers are China, Indonesia, Peru, India, Russia, the US, and Vietnam, meeting 50% of global production means great job opportunities in these countries.

Average compensation

A Aquaculture and fisheries production managers typically earn between 20,277 INR and 62,492 INR net per month at the outset of their careers. After five years of service, this ranges from 41,259 INR to 1,09,388 INR for a 48-hour work week. Aquaculture Managers' salaries in the US range from $67,693 to $97,383, with a median salary of $77,172.

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